Elevate your home decor or wedding arrangements with the 30Cm Artificial Roses Bouquet, featuring 15 lifelike tea roses. These high-quality silk flowers add a touch of elegance to any space and will maintain their vibrant color and shape for years to come. Perfect for creating a festive wreath or adding a pop of color to a room. Made with precision and attention to detail, this bouquet is perfect for home decor, flower arrangements in vases, or DIY projects. Available in a variety of colors including pink, orange, white, purple, red, and champagne. Each bouquet contains 15 tea rose buds that measure 30cm in length and 3cm in diameter. Add a splash of beauty to any special occasion, such as birthdays, celebrations, expressions of love, or expressions of sympathy. Note: due to lighting and camera settings, there may be slight color variations. However, these artificial flowers are carefully crafted to match the picture.

30Cm Artificial Roses Bouquet
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